Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Get Your Armor On

I don't think it's a secret that I've had a rough time relationships of late. After my last relationship which led me to financial and emotional peril,  I was left feeling spent and vulnerable. It's as if all my skin has been burned off, everything seems to be more painful and sensitive than before.
I know it takes time for my emotional skin to grow tougher, but as a practitioner of "dressing for what you want", I thought maybe if I dressed tougher and was physically shielded that I would feel emotionally protected.
There was a lot of talk about "warrior women" on the runways for fall, I did not understand why until now. Gareth Pugh, Rick Owens, and Haider Ackermann are three designers that exemplify powerful "warrior women".
Ladies get your armor on and enjoy the visuals. 

Rick Owens
Rick Owens
Gareth Pugh

Gareth Pugh
Haider Ackermann

Haider Ackermann