Monday, February 14, 2011

V day

The other day I ran the stats for this blog and saw that the posts with the most hits were sexually charged. I am no substitute for a naked Adam Levine but here is a Valentines for all my male readers. BTW ladies lingerie is by Target so it's not too late to get sexy for your beaus.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Self Love"

It’s been a long time but I remember when I used to look forward to Valentines Day.  Construction paper mailboxes would decorate the front of my desk and I would be so excited to see how many Valentines I would get from my classmates.  By the end of the day I would be stuffed with chalky heart candies and redhots. 
Now I shudder to think what is in store for me, usually I find myself single and embittered or in a relationship and pressured to express my undying love in one evening. How does one tactfully, tell your loved one, you hate their gift and they don’t know you at all?
This year instead of taking it as an assault on my relationship status I am going to take the opportunity to express love for myself. Yes I said it “Self Love”(insert masturbation joke here). 
So many times I think we are too hard on ourselves, never letting go of stupid mistakes, beating one self down for missteps and just being a total bitch to yourself.  Treat yourself right; take the time to forgive, let go and treat yourself to something nice.  One year in protest I sent myself flowers for Valentines, not only did I get exactly what I wanted but it also felt really good. 
Here are some gift ideas that might really put a pep in your step.  Remember ladies this is not the time to bankrupt yourself, you can do that when you are invited to your ex boyfriend’s wedding. This is when you can buy that Herve Leger bandage dress you've always wanted and the Luboutins to match.  I’ve kept food and spirits off the list on purpose, as an emotionally charged holiday these items could lead to binging and we all know binge eating and drinking should be reserved for baby showers and your sisters engagement party. A fat ass and hang over are no way to remember a perfectly good holiday.  Valentines should lead to no regrets, emotionally or financially.  Here are 5 simple inexpensive things you can gift yourself. 

 Cosmetics always cheers me up, I love changing my looks.  I especially love bright corals it’s a nice alternative to red. 

 Scented Candles, who doesn’t like lighting up a nice candle, it warms a room and will cover up the odor of cat litter. I am one dog away from being a hoarder so I can relate. 

 Jewelry, I know I know kind of cliché but I think you could also take this opportunity to stock up on summer essentials.  I love gold hoops with a crisp white shirt and blue jeans. 

 Perfume, sometimes all I need to pick me up is a nice fragrance, makes me feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.  A quick sprits in the hair also covers up dirty hair and is can be used as a mask to cover your nose when you encounter a foul stench.  

 And of course as I mentioned above, flowers.  When I buy myself flowers I avoid the cliché red roses.  My affinity is always for unusual colors, forms or just a classic monochromatic color scheme.  I love these mokara orchids the color is extraordinary.